The other day we were out walking. Me and two little children.
There was a slight chill to the air although it was sunny and as happens at
this time of year for some reason my nose needed blowing. The children stood
patiently waiting while I found my tissue and gently blew my nose. Then a little voice said “Sara you do it like this”,
and the little one gave a good hearty demonstration of nose blowing.
I was surprised for two reasons. Firstly she didn't have a tissue in her cupped hands and I
wondered if I needed to find another tissue
quickly. Secondly this was the first time this child had volunteered to teach me anything- knowingly. She has taught me plenty in the
months she has been here but she is completely unaware of that fact. So I
looked down at this little upturned face, checked if I did indeed need to find
another tissue which I didn't, and
followed her instructions on how to blow a nose. I tried really hard to match
the noise and actions being demonstrated
and thanked her for her help. She looked back at me with all the understanding
and empathy of anyone who has ever tried to teach that lesson to another person.
There was no smugness, no sense of pride that she had done something helpful.
Just an understanding that sometimes we all need a bit of help.
Wonderful! Hope you enjoyed your walk :)