Monday, 12 November 2012

new storage

Yesterday I succumbed to temptation and bought a new storage unit. We had been to our local discount store the day before and happened to see it while shopping for bird food.
Now there was nothing wrong with the toy storage in the playroom, I have an Ikea Expedit unit which as all childminders know is probably the best toy storage unit available in that price range. But alongside it we also have a mix-match of units and tables in white melamine finish and fake oak.
Anyway, I happened to see this unit.
It has the Expedit  'look'. And at £49 it was a steal. So yesterday we returned to the store, and then spent the rest of the day putting it together and rearranging the rest of the room.
My playroom is a good size but even so when one new piece of furniture is added every other piece of furniture has to be rearranged to accommodate it.
I'm happy with the playroom. The far wall is now completely lined with units, and I now also have a forward facing bookcase thanks to Steve.
Ever since attending an inclusion training last year I have been planning to get a forward facing bookcase. I even had the idea of using the spice rack that I'd seen online as a cheap alternative to the real thing. But I think everyone else had the same idea because when I went to buy one they were out-of-stock.
In the end all it needed to turn an old shelving unit we had in the kitchen to the famous forward facing bookcase was a piece of dowel.
The children are going to love it!

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